The World Transformation Movement


Kent, England


The founder of the WTM Kent Centre, Claire Rickie, has lived in the county her entire life. She has one child and is self-employed as a house cleaner. She is thrilled that WTM Kent joins numerous Centres located across the United Kingdom and around the world that have been established in support of Jeremy Griffith’s all-important breakthrough understanding of the human condition.

“I have verified this understanding through my own experience and I can see the logic of it all adds up; I can conclude that this information will be able to end all suffering and insecurity within us humans. It’s helped me and I can see that it is the answer that everyone has been looking for as well. It honestly is the ultimate Truth us humans need and is the SOLUTION to EVERYTHING! It really does have the power to heal the world & gives us the guidance to be able to truly love ourselves by understanding our dark side.”

Claire Rickie